Artist in Residence Program

For many years the Artist in Residence and Loud and Clear programs provided art and speaking opportunities for our elementary and middle school children. These programs brought outside artists into the school district to work with our kids. The programs ended after the 2018/2019 school year, but the experiences and the output will remain with our students and our district for a long time to come.

Below are a few examples of the completed projects


Archer Glen created a new mural from the SEF Artist in Residence grant. The kids created tile pieces which were then combined together like a puzzle to create this visual mural. The kids learn to work together in a longer term project and get to see the results for years to come.


Here is the mural done at Edy Ridge by the students under the direction of the SEF funded Artist in Residence program. Its a beautiful piece of work. It is located in the cafeteria and adds a lot of color the the room.


The Hopkin’s garden was started as an Artist and Residence program and further supported with SEF grants. It gave students a chance to learn how to create and care for a garden and contribute to a lovely school setting.


A number of the schools also conducted a ceramics tiles project, where the tiles were combined into a Mural. Above is an example from Edy Ridge.

A variety of projects were completed over the years, some examples are shown below.


Below is an example of the individual projects and the number of students served during a past year:

  • Archer Glenn Elementary

    • Insect design Science

    • 525 students

  • Edy Ridge Elementary

    • Abstract Art

    • 539 students

  • Hopkins Elementary

    • Community Garden & Calendar

    • 570 students

  • Middleton Elementary

    • Watercolor Painting

    • 624 students

  • Laurel Ridge Middle School

    • Social Studies Comics

    • 160 students/7th grade

  • Sherwood Middle School

    • Social Studies Comics

    • 259 students/7th grade

  • Laurel Ridge Middle School

    • Loud & Clear, Oregon Children’s Theater

    • 162 students/6th grade

  • Sherwood Middle School

    • Loud & Clear, Oregon Children’s Theater

    • 255 students/6th grade


Collin Kartchner comes to Sherwood


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